The Weekly Weird - 2015-10-30

Housekeeping note: If you have issues viewing this on the web let me know. I switched from restructured text to markdown on the backend and turned https back on thanks to the Let's Encrypt beta (!)

The Weekly Weird - 2015-10-23

The Weekly Weird - 2015-10-16

The Weekly Weird - 2015-10-09

If you like weekly newsletters you might want to check out The Weekly Pique. It's much more of a deep dive than the featherbrained nonsense I emit here and correspondingly more professional.

The Weekly Weird - 2015-10-02

"One test result is worth one thousand expert opinions" --Wernher "that's not my department" von Braun

Man, short list this week. Go forth and cause weirdness in the world so I have more to write about.

The Weekly Weird - 2015-09-25

The Weekly Weird - 2015-09-18

The Weekly Weird - 2015-09-11

The Weekly Weird - 2015-09-04

Newsblur is being a little @#$% right now so I know there are things I meant to include here but can't find them.

The Weekly Weird - 2015-08-28